IELTS Reading

5 Effective Ways To Improve Your IELTS Reading Ability

While preparing for IELTS test you need to pay high attention to your reading skills. It is one of the essential component that can easily bag you a good band score provided you adequately prepare for it. Therefore keep scrolling to learn the basic and fundamental reading skills to rightly gear yourself up for this examination.

Follow Along The 5 Optimum Reading Skills –

1). Skim Through The Article – skimming-Article

It is imperative to get the brief idea or gist about the written text. So quickly pass an eye over the document and hit the high spots. Please note that while skimming it’s not important to understand the meaning of each and every word. Just accumulate the meaningful and substantial information out of the provided document. The best way to practice skimming is through a newspaper. It’s because we generally run our eyes over the headings and hurriedly read the detailed news which is contained in the 30 page newspaper. So skimming the passage is all you need to do primarily.

2). Scan Through The Article – Scanning Article

Just like skimming even at the time of scanning you don’t require to read deeply yet entirely understand the given passage. Scanning is actually helpful when you need to find the data and information about the particular catechism. The real life example of scanning are such as – reviewing the search results on the internet from the 10-12 displayed tabs, schedules of flights, train and bus reservations. It actually assists you in covering everything mentioned in the whole page along with the visual and statistical clues. Pay attention to the bold words, headings, subheadings etc. as these things will let you acquire the large information for the related questionnaire.

3). Extensive Reading Is Substantial – Extensive reading

Unlike the above mentioned points the extensive reading is to improve your reading skills to better prepare yourself for the examination. It is advisable that in your free time you must do comprehensive reading with respect to what interests you. Like reading the novels, good English magazines like economic times etc. or comics can be of great use. Hence reading the content with enjoyable spirit proves to be beneficial if you corporate it with the intensive intent as well.

4). Intensive Reading Is indispensable –Intensive reading ability

Yes, now while following all the above enumerated points the intensive reading becomes mandatory. In this part of reading you will be able to enhance and reform your grammatical and instructional level. If you aspire to comprehend each and every word mentioned in the conclusive content. This is actually done for the detailed reading where specific information is accumulated.

The aim of learning while reading can be of great help as you will be working on your vocabulary, fluent reading, and also the speed will gradually get increased. It happens because when you start reading frequently you come across thousands of words which are most likely to be common in the content. Thereby making you benefited at the time of IELTS examination.

5). Additional Tips

Additional TipsLastly I would recommend that practice all these IELTS reading tips and tricks and strategize yourself to get prepared for your IELTS exam. Explore more and get your hands on the Audiobooks and brain teasers. And try to look for the practice books and online papers as well.

  • Don’t lose interest! In the initial phase of reading it’s important that you stick to your reading routine. Especially if you aren’t fond of reading then give some time to yourself to get adapted to reading. Pick up the learning material that interest you;
  • Don’t Burden Yourself! It is advisable that choose the book/novel/magazine wisely. It should match your reading skill level or can be little higher than your comfort zone. Ensure that you don’t trouble yourself.

Hence with these effective measures you will surely be able to gain more band in IELTS!