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Why “Not Enough Sleep the Night Before” Can Lower Your IELTS Score

Students consider all-nighter studying the night before their exam as topper’s benchmark. US researchers, however, believe a good eight-hour sleep is an absolute indispensable for an anyone to give his or her 100% in the exam hall. A recent study in the journal Child Development reported that sacrificing sleep for study in most cases backfire. This reported after following the sleep study pattern of 535 Los Angeles high school students and correlating it with how they perform on a test, quiz, or homework.

Let’s Understand the Sleep Mechanism

Want to know what happens when you are sleeping? Well, the sleep mechanism is explained in several stages by doctors, with each phase is meant for a purpose. At first, the human care coddles its physical needs, and then quickly passing the baton onto the second phase. Now, the body settles into several hours of stage three and four sleep. During all these phases of sleep, the neurones in the brain synchronise into a rhythm, and the body repairs its wear and tear after a tough day. The immune and muscles and cardiovascular systems are rejuvenated.

Inadequate Sleep Makes You Feel Hungry

Do you know by taking sleep you trigger body’s vibes that you are hungry? Most of the questions in the IELTS written, reading and listening sections require for sharpness, and critical thinking, so if you are getting the hunger vibes, how can give your 100%. This is what all-nighter studying before the “D-Day” may hurt your IELTS campaign. By getting a sound, stress-less sleep of at least 7 hours, the brain gets reloaded to better recognise cognitive patterns, similar to the ones that may be used in written or listening sections of the IELTS exam

Sleep Boost Your Ability to Counter Nervousness Before an Exam

Do you get nervous before an exam or a mega event in your life? Then, a good sleep before your IELTS is what the doctors ordered for you. As this will help the brain to shrug off those emotional feelings and let the butterflies fly away.
Wrapping up, sleep is a crucial ingredient that will help you to put forth your best IELTS attempt.

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