IELTS Speaking test

Let’s Bust the Myth- IELTS Speaking Is Tough

Every exam brings shivering vibes down the spine for the majority of individuals, and that feeling becomes even more when you are going to appear for IELTS English evaluation test. Being one amongst the most recognized for non-native English talkers exams, IELTS is a career defining test. As you prepare for your IELTS, many- your friends or relatives – may put a bug in your ear that getting a high band in IELTS is a difficult endeavor. Contrary to the sayings about the International English Language Testing System, if you focus on your IELTS preparation, you are bound to reap the fruits of your hard work.

Need to Incorporate the Western Flair in Your Spoken English- The Myth

No matter what the world wide web has to say on this, it is true that one doesn’t have to speak with a western accent to get good band in the IELTS speaking section. So just stay royal to your natural accent. And, speaking clearly is the cornerstone to hack the IELTS speaking section.

The Examiner Should Agree with My Option to Score More- The Misconception

IELTS is not a technical exam, but a test to evaluate your English proficiency. Consequently, it doesn’t matter whether the interviewer agree or disagree with your viewpoint for controversial subjects, try to speak seamlessly without many fumbles.

Also, check out the five most popular IELTS speaking topics 2017 

The Big Words- Another Myth Floating for Some Years Now

There always been a misconception floating around the IELTS speaking exam that you need to use those heavyweight, complex words to impress the examiner. Instead, if you follow this, your pronunciation will look unnatural. Of course, you need to display a wide range of English vocab, but not at the expense of cohesion. Learning number of complex words, then putting them to practice, without really thinking their meaning and appropriate place, will definitely cause a big problem.

We at British IELTS, aim at getting every student individually fully prepared to crack the IELTS exam. We harbor a panel of teaching staff, having years of experience and knowledge to accomplish the above objective of the institute.