IELTS Speaking testSpoken English

5 Effective Tips To Improve Your Spoken English Skills for IELTS

Unlike IELTS Writing test, Speaking test does not give you the leisure to check the answer that you’ve submitted. In this test, you’re supposed to take a rapid-fire session, where everything goes quicker and swiftly. You are expected to be spontaneous and therefore answer promptly. While preparing for this test, You need to consciously work on your fluency and confidence in speaking.

Follow along the given tips and tricks to acquire success in IELTS Speaking test.

Spoken English

  • Keep Up With The Timing: While taking the IELTS Speaking test you should know and understand about the time management. You are required to be very particular regarding the time or else you will miss the train. The Part 1 (Speaking test) is easy and last for max 5 minutes. Although it is easy but it is advisable to give lengthy responses. DO NOT just stop in “Yes” or “No”. In Part 2, You will be given a topic on which you’re suppose to speak for maximum, in a couple of minutes. When you get preparation time, Try to jot down points as many points as you can. Finally, you will be attempting Part 3 in which you will be asked to speak up for 3-4 minutes. This is the toughest one, here you need to take care of the grammar and vocabulary.
  • Have Strong Vocab: To take an IELTS Speaking test, you got to prepare hard enough by focusing much more on your vocabulary. You’re expected to be technically correct with regards to the vocabulary and grammar. Preparation should be done in a utterly rigorous manner as without that you cannot gain fluency in your spoken English. Try to memorize the entire dictionary which enables you to give your answer by using the best selected word. Even if you’re a bit off-track, your fluency can get you the trophy. Take better care of the pronunciation.
  • Add Color: Avoid speaking like a novice. It is very unimpressive to listen to a flat, dull, slow and monotonous speech. While getting ready for the test or possibly while preparing for it you are advised to take a good care of the above mentioned point. Always try to add color in your speech and not make it a flat monotone one. Help yourself in improving your accent and range of tonal quality that will definitely sound impressive and interesting.
  • Less Or More: The thumb rule to follow along when a query like how much to speak come, is you do not require to deliver your answer or speech, extempore prolongedly. Although the answer is expected to give in a bit lengthy manner but talking incessantly will only reward you negative marking. Another underlying thumb rule is to speak more than your tester. If s/he ask you one liner question try to revert in more than 2-3 lines.
  • First Impression Is the Last Impression: Make yourself presentable and attractive. It will be kind of an interview so maintain the decorum accordingly. For this test you need to be dressed in a formals. The more energetic you are the more commendably you attempt your test.

Tips-for-IELTSIf preparation is done by following the above mentioned tips and tricks, Success is sure-shot. All the best 🙂