How Reading can Improve IELTS Writing Score
Writing is a significant module of IELTS exam and to score well it is necessary to enhance writing skills. However, while preparing for IELTS writing exam, reading is equally important. Even it is not wrong to consider them as two sides of the same coin. Following are some reasons that justify the statement:
Improving your Grammar with Regular Reading
A habit of reading enhances your grammar and helps you to score enough bands in IELTS writing paper. Grammatical mistakes in IELTS Writing Exam is not something you can take for granted. To score well, aspirants should build a habit of reading newspaper, novels, and many others standard English grammar books.
However, it is difficult to memorize certain grammatical rules but not necessary if you are a regular reader. It is well said that writing without reading is similar to vase without flowers. So, the conclusion is that students who regularly concentrate on reading are grammatically strong and scores well in IELTS writing.
How Reading can Enhance your Vocabulary
It is a well-known fact that vocabulary is one of the most important aspect if you want to score well in IELTS writing exam. Making a habit of reading on daily basis allows you to improve your vocabulary. An impressive vocabulary with excellent sentence structure plays a vital role in improving your IELTS writing score.
Also Read : 3 secrets to crack your IELTS writing exam
Reading helps in predicting word count
In IELTS writing exam you are required to write a passage of 100 to 150 words in section 1 and 200 to 250 words in section 2 of IELTS writing exam. In between the test you can’t count the number of words. Regular reading enables you to have an idea of how much sentences can cover the required words and that’s why it is essential for IELTS writing exam.
So, make a habit of reading regularly because it will surely help you in IELTS writing exam.
To know more about IELTS exam tips, keep visiting British IELTS blog.