IELTS Writing

Can Poor Handwriting Lower Your IELTS Writing Score?

Diverse to competitive exams, and other English proficiency evaluation tests such as the TOFEL, in the written section of the IELTS module, you have to write by hand. Therefore, handwriting plays a pivotal role in getting that extra scoring boosting mark- ultimately high band.

The Two Secrets to Improve Your Handwriting Before the IELTS Exam Are:

One Is Legible Writing- Means Easy to Read.

The Second One Being Decipher Writing- Means Making It Easy for the Paper Checker to Understand What You Are Saying or Mean.

First of all, it goes without saying, one’s handwriting should be legible, not just for IELTS, but for all exams, right from boards exams to graduation tests. Only, if the examiner can read your answer sheet easily, you will get good marks, in line with hard work and attempt. Write in such a way that the person checking your answer paper doesn’t have to guess what the next word or particular sentence is, because, if that happens you’re bound to lose out on some crucial marks. Like, your ‘are’ and ‘one’ should not look alike. Some wrong spellings, often don’t lead to deduction of marks, but poor handwriting definitely will.

Through, spellings have no role to play in written exam of IELTS, it is always great if you use the correct ones in your listening and reading sections, so that the individual marking your answer paper sheet can easily decipher the letter you have written.

Think about the True/ FALSE, which were common in our schooling days, imagine what it happens if your ‘T’ looks like ‘F’ for any particular attempt, without a doubt, that’s a ‘wrong answer.’

At last, the simple hack to avoid lowering your overall writing score for handwriting, keep it simple stick to the basics, with designing-cursive, just readable. Join British IELTS to make your dreams come to life.