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7 Most Common Crimes to Avoid For Your IELTS

Even after years of schooling, there is one thing that most of us still mess up- that’s grammar. It’s not a child’s play- words and phrases that sound fine in the head, thus verbally come out right, seem like gibberish when written down.

Likewise, is that true for you? it’s quite easy for minute grammar mistakes to slip by, and especially when you’re self-editing. However, they will surely cost you a lot in your IELTS test. Consequently, rather than getting low bands in your first IELTS written section endeavor, do your level best to give them a slip. Move down to gander at 5 common IELTS grammatical errors:

1. Between vs Among

Between is employed with a group of two, while among for three or more.

2. Different Than or Different From

You will never commit this syntax flaw if you let “different” as “differing.” Would you ever say “differing than,” so how can you write “different than.”

3. Is Data Singular or Plural?

As data show a pattern, it should be used as a plural.

4. Who vs Whom

It is amongst the most common mistake, even many bloggers commit that. To simplify, “Who” is a subjective pronoun such as I, he, and She. “Whom,” on the other side fencing is an objective pronoun like me, his, her, and acts as the object of a clause.

5. Terminate a Sentence with a Preposition

As Winston Churchill said, is “nonsense up with which I will not put,” ending a sentence with a preposition will make your piece of writing award to its reader. Similarly, you will lose some crucial marks in IELTS, if you still make the above grammar error.

6. Its vs It’s

It seems like a dilemma for most to a choice between “its” and “it’s.” But, not when you bear in mind that no apostrophe indicates a possession, while it’s is for the contract.

7. There, Their, and They’re

This deadly homophone trinity haunting, the writers, the students, and graduates, even since the syntax of English language was brought to Britain by Anglo-Frisian dialects. “they’re” is a contraction that means ‘they are.’ and, on the other side, “their” is a possessive pronoun.

Moving out, these are mere a glimpse of grammar syntactic mistakes to desist in IELTS. However, if your desire to have some sort of command over the English language, join British IELTS coaching center.
